Dawn and Dusk

Dawn and Dusk


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Product Description

Approximately every 2,738 years, there are a million sunrises and a million sunsets.  Over the centuries, the surety of morning and evening lends security and stability to the hearts of mankind.  The every-changing glory of dawn and dusk reflects the majesty of God, and visually reminds us of His new mercies and His faithfulness.  The colors bursting or fading of light, the freshness of new beginnings and the promise of comfort in rest; all these wrapped in endless continuity make sunrise and sunset alluringly irresistible.

This photo is sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico on the northern Florida coast.  A hidden underwater boulder caught the wave, and its splash was illuminated by the sun’s early rays.  A moment in time in the timeless procession calling for worship of our Creator.

Since the dawn of time, dawn has been on time.

Copyright 2014, Sacred Invitations, Kathy Hitch.  All rights reserved.

Additional Information


8×12, 12×18, 16×24, 20×30


canvas, print

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